Interface Repository

Interface CtsSecurity::SSLCallback

This represents the SSL user callback interface. User (application builder tool/user application) provides an implementation of a portion or all of this interface and sets the property in the SSLProvider context. Note that, these callbacks are optional. Client ORB will provide a default implementation of these callbacks.

Sample Java code to set callbacks using the SSLProvider context.

      CtsSecurity::SSLServiceProvider sslServiceProv;
     .. code to obtain SSLServiceProvider context. See CtsSecurity::SSLServiceProvider ..
     sslServiceProv.setGlobalProperty("callbackImpl", "mypackage.mySSLCallbackImpl");

Sample C++ code to set callbacks:

    CtsSecurity::SSLServiceProvider_var sslServiceProv;
    ... code to obtain SSLProviderProvider context. See CtsSecurity::SSLServiceProvider ... 
     sslServiceProv->setGlobalProperty("callbackImpl", "MySSLCallbackImplDLLName/MyPackage/MySSLCallbackComponent");

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